Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jeff and Dané

Jeff and Dané were in Indiana yesterday and the family all got to see them at Julie and Jim's. They are just back from Aruba and weren't too happy with our current weather. It was so good to see them and get a chance to visit with family I don't see often enough.

Pictured above are:
Andrew with my IPhone (which he loves)
Jeff and Dané (dressed for the weather)
Andrew and the IPhone
Grandson Tony and his girlfriend Kelsey (aren't they just the cutest couple)
Andrew (ready for just about anything. Do you think he has seen me wearing my glasses like that a little too much?)
Grandpa Jack with Andrew and Elizabeth


Mimi said...

Families are just great! Also, I can understand coming back from Aruba and not being too happy with this weather. Oh well, they will just have to close their eyes and remember the balmy weather. We'll be there soon enough....hopefully.

julieQ said...

I am so glad you got some quality family time! Good looking babies there!!