It was a wonderful retreat and I'm ready to do it all over again. My committee members Julie, Marla, Angie, Debbie and Peggy were great and although I hesitated to delegate too much in the beginning, I appreciate all their work.
I did get a couple things finished at the retreat, but not very much.I made this wall hanging for my stepson and his wife to give to some friends who are moving.

Then I sewed these pieces that were leftover from
this quilt together using the Baby Bricks pattern. I have this terrible habit of keeping leftovers thinking I'll make something else when I should be cutting them into strips or nickles, or 2.5" squares or something. I have a basket of ziplock bags full of this kind of thing. Anyway, I'm happy with the results here.

I got a good start on my Starry Eyed with Countdown to Christmas fabrics. I ran out of kona cream because I had put kona white in the tub by mistake. Luckily, I had some cream leftover from the above wall hanging so I could get started. I had another piece at home so I have worked on it a bit more this week.

Sunday afternoon I finished the borders on this one, which I must quilt this weekend after I do 2 quilts for Cherry.