For several years now I have been using the magnifying glasses you can buy at CVS or any drugstore, or even at the Dollar Tree. My regular vision has been just fine, but I needed help reading. I usually have a pair in my car, by my computer, in my sewing room, in my purse, at my office and I have loaned them to others when they have forgotten them. I have faithfully been to the eye doctor yearly, just to make sure everything is going well.
Last year he suggested that I might want to get some bifocals. I declined as I thought my far away vision was just fine. A month or so ago I went for a checkup and he suggested it once again. Not much change he said, but he thought I would be happy with progressive bifocals. I have noticed that it takes me a couple seconds to focus in on the alarm clock when I wake up at night, so I thought OK. Well, we got the glasses ordered and I went to pick them up and said, oh my, I can't use these. They said it's normal for someone to have to adjust to glasses if you've never worn them. So, I paid my $388 and went back to work. Sat down at my computer and this is what I saw:

Do you see that sharp area on the left side, well, that's the only in focus area on my whole screen. If I move my head to the right, I would see this:

and if I move my head even further to the right, I would see this.

Well, I'm a graphic designer and I really need to see all of my computer screen in focus at the same time. I called and they said I would have to follow my nose to keep things in focus. And that I would get used to it. I tried, just for kicks, to cut fabric and I got the ruler lined up on one end and then looked at the other end and lined it up, then I went back to the first end and it was unbelievably hard as I couldn't see in focus from one end to the other.
So, I called them back and they said they could remake the glasses for me to use at the computer at no additional charge. I went back in and they took some measurements and re-made my glasses. I now have a pair of reading glasses much like the ones I get at CVS for $11.99, and I only paid $388 for them. Of course, there are no refunds.
Those of you with progressive bifocals, how in the world do you see?