Tommorrow morning I will board the bus along with 25 guild members to attend the Greater Chicago Quilt Exposition in Shamburg, IL. My friend Shelly is the coordinator of the bus trips and has always done a great job. I have been busy planning a couple fun activities for the bus trip and here is a sneak peek of what I've been working on.
I have a quilt ready for the hand stitching on the binding to keep me busy also.
My shopping list includes some thread for Mabel and maybe some rulers and pantographs if there are any to be had. I also have placed an order with Accomplish Quilting and just have to pick it up from their booth.
Have a great time. Take lots of pictures!!! I'm hoping to make it to the Chicago quilt show next year.
Have fun at the quilt show.
Aren't bus trips fun? I'm usually the bus trip coordinator for our guild. What games are you playing?
The last bus trip we went to Nasville to the quilt show there. I asked for people to bring door prizes, and we had over 30. There were 54 people on the bus, so everyone didn't win a door prize, but they all had fun.
I like that you have a plan. Often times people get overwhelmed because there is so much to see and they try to think of things they need and end up basically having a panic attack. I always tell everyone to have a plan.
Have fun!
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