So thankful for my wonderful family!
I had a great time at Julie & Jim's on Thanksgiving Day, enjoyed a wonderful meal with my children, their families, my ex-husband, his wife, brother and sister. I got to meet my grandson's lovely girlfriend, Kelsey. I think she's a keeper, Tony!
Yes, we slept for a couple of hours Thursday evening before heading out to Toys R Us along with the hundreds of others who thought the Greenwood store was the only one to shop at. NO, we did not get into that long, long line, but instead headed to Walmart to use their price match guarantee.
After some breakfast at Denny's, we headed to Old Navy. The rumor was, they were to open at 3AM. It was cold outside and I for one didn't want to stand outside for 30+ minutes in the 30 degree weather. Unfortunately for the hundreds standing in line at Old Navy, that store didn't open until 5 AM.
We decided to go to Penny's for their 4 AM opening. We got some fantastic deals and I think we were out the door with our packages before 4:30. Back to Walmart for their 5 AM sales. I bought myself a new Kodak Printer so I don't have to keep buyiing cartridges every 2 months for my Epson. This printer is supposed to be the easiest on the pocketbook when it comes to ink refills. Lots of other great deals too, like a Cabbage Patch Doll for Elizabeth. Then, of course, I went to Joanns on Saturday to buy some doll clothes patterns. Speaking of Joanns, I wasn't able to get to Joanns on Friday to pick up the rowenta iron on sale before they ran out. I was pretty sad about that, but as luck would have it, their website was down and they are honoring doorbuster prices through today, and maybe even tomorrow. So, I called last night and was able to order it and got free shipping too.
Andrew is very much into trains, Thomas the train to be exact, but most any train catches his eye. When I saw that Target had gingerbread trains last week, I knew that I had to buy one. Friday night while we were waiting for our pizza to arrive, Matt, Andrew and I assembled this oh-so-cute gingerbread train.

Here's Andrew and Elizabeth just before I left on Saturday. I certainly did enjoy my little vacation with them, but I was very tired Saturday night and didn't to much of anything when I arrived home.