Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Updated "Short List"

Here's my progress so far:

1. Brown quilt for Matt - needs quilted and bound - Finished quilting last night 1/2/13
2. Red quilt for Granddaughter Jessica - needs quilted and bound
3. 1600 quilt for Step-granddaughter Sarah - needs borders, quilted and bound
4. Stockings for Jeff, Dane and Calise - these need to be done by Thanksgiving! - Finished and gifted 11/22/12
5. Quilt for Baby Drew - it's just blocks on the design wall now
6. Quilt for Ashleigh's baby girl - needs quilted and bound - Finished and gifted 1/2/13

So, that leaves me with numbers 2, 3, and 5 to finish. Oh, and the binding of Matt's quilt.

I have one of Janet's quilts ready to load tonight and then I'll probably relax and hand sew binding.


Carolyn said...

Wow, wish I'd made as much progress as you have!

Vicky said...

6876 206Way to go, Ruthie! I need to "focus" on my short list, but I have to finish what I started first!! :) Good going!

Katie Z. said...

You're making great progress!