What a wonderful day! Good friends, lots of laughs, a lost pillow, and a quilt with amost all the binding hand sewn on.
The quilts were spectacular and the vendors had several things that made their way home with me....some pantographs, lots of thread, a game quilt pattern for Andrew, a pattern for a military wall hanging, a book with purse/bag patterns, a template for making cable borders and one for tumbler blocks, and some South African Shweshw (indigo)fat quarters and some novelty fat quarters.
Here's my haul for the day. At least I didn't have to store mine in the back underside compartments of the bus.

We played Handbag Scavenger Hunt and I had a list of about 100 different items. The first person to pull an item out of their bag and show it won a fat quarter. We had 12 fat quarters donated by
Rossville Quilts, a few from Cheryl's Quilts and the rest were purchased.
Everyone was working really hard at the games on the bus:

I didn't get pictures of the big winners, who won a fabric basket made by me, and filled with candy. The person with the most items from the list won a basket and the person who had the most correct answers to these
puzzle games won a basket. The games are free to download from the HP site and are just great for a bus trip or guild games. Jan (our guild president) won the booby prize basket (no candy in that one) for having the fewest items.
My friends Janet, Helen, Shelly and Tammy at lunch: