So, I got to work this morning and laid them all out to take a photo and here you go:

I loaded them up in my car and off I went to deliver them. I got to the building that I thought was Meals on Wheels, but the name on the building was Midland Meals - Lafayette Kitchen. Oh well, I thought, this must be the place. I took them inside and told the receptionist who I was and that I had talked with someone about a month ago. She went in search of who I might have talked to. The president and several others came out to see them and they oohed and aahed, but couldn't figure out who I talked to. Finally we discovered that they are a completely different organization from Meals on Wheels. They do the same thing, but provide meals to a much larger area. The president gave me his business card and asked for us to provide THEM with placemats next year. So, off to Meals on Wheels I went and the receptionist there knew exactly who I was and was so happy to see how many placemats we provided.
Good Job Common Threads Guild Members!
What a great idea! I'm sure they'll brighten up the holidays for those that receive them.
What a great idea! My mom delivers for Meals on Wheels and is a beginer quilter. I think I have a project for her to work on next year (I would help too).
What a graet story! Way to go!!
Awesome idea and you carried through with it! I will try to offer the same in my community-thanks for sharing!
My guilds have been making the placemats for WOM for the last two years. One guild makes them for the Christmas season, the other makes them year round.
We found that very often this was the only "gift" the recipients received and they were so receptive. They enjoyed having a decoration for their tables and that is why we started making year round ones.
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