Monday, August 9, 2010

Design Wall - August 9, 2010

Well, once again my design wall looks very much like last weeks, and the week before. Although the center is all sewn together this week, which means that I stitched the 4 seams connecting the 5 pairs of rows.

Certainly not a lot of sewing,'s my design floor:

I made these pullover bibs to put in the booth that Janet and I have at Klassy Klutter, an indoor flea market. They are fingertip towels with the designs already on them. I just cut the hole and added the ribbing. Wonder how much someone would pay for one of these. I have another 10 of them finished, but I haven't laid them out for a photo opp.

PS - Julie, does Elizabeth need any of these bibs?

1 comment:

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Those bibs are just adorable!!