Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Watching My Back!

FYI: This has absolutely nothing to do with quilting....
Guess I better be watching my back after a little altercation with some neighbors this evening. Our back yard has a partial privacy fence that we installed a few years ago and about 20 feet of one that was installed by the neighbors many years ago. There are renters in the house now and they have 4 dogs. Not just any dogs, mind you, but ones that bark each and every time we walk outside our back or side doors. Every morning they high-tail it to the fence and bark, bark, bark as I get in my car to go to work. They jump on the older sections of the fence and the wood has split and they are able to get their heads through the open spaces.

So, about this evening....we were planting in the garden and the dogs were barking. One of the ladies in the house started yelling at the dogs. They were almost through the fence and I went to get something to put on our side so they couldn't get through. Dan went to the garage and brought out a little horn. He blasted the horn and the neighbor guy came out of the house and here's our conversation:
He: I'm sick of that F-ing horn.
Me: I'm sick of your dogs barking.
He: Tell that old man to stick that F-ing horn. (Now, mind you, Dan is only 55...hardly an Old Man!)
He: Don't F... with me cause I know people.
Me: Do your people have dogs, too? (I probably shouldn't have said that, but oh well)
He: Don't think I'm kidding, I mean it.

So, I took that as a threat and calmly came into the house and called the police. An officer came and talked with us for a bit and then went around the block to visit the neighbors. He suggested that in the future, don't say anything to them, just make a phone call, so that's what I'll do from now on.

It just really irritates me that we can't spend time in our back yard without having the constant distraction of the barking dogs.


Darling Jill Quilts said...

Oh man, I feel your pain! I can't even enjoy the INSIDE of my house with the windows open because of a moron with a poodle (yappy yappy yappy) who lives on the other side of the street and lets the dog bark incessantly. Now, I live in a building set way back off the street, but because of the brick buildings that surround my building her dog sounds like it's right outside my window. Ugh!!!

Good luck with your dog issues! They suck!

Evelyn said...

I feel for you too! Bad neighbor problems are so rough...

You might try contacting the people/agency they rent from. They might appreciate knowing that they have such problem tenants (4 big barking dogs? Who would rent to such people in the first place?). And that fence sounds like a huge liability that they need to take care of immediately.

Also, look up what your local laws are regarding the dogs barking. Some areas have rules regarding when and how long they can be barking. If they violate that, you can call the animal control people. With enough calls, they could be fined (hit them in the pocketbook, where it really hurts!), and maybe they'll eventually do something about it, or move.

Lastly, I'd talk to your neighbors and fill them in on everything you've learned. And ask them to watch your back too. :)

Good luck with this. On the up side, they're only renters, and they will almost certainly leave eventually.

Deb Geyer said...

I feel your pain also. Your house is your castle and when the neighbors encroach on your kingdom it is not cool!! I hope that it all works out soon.

julieQ said...

Grrrr! The language is what is so offensive, as well as the arrogance. I am sorry. We finally had to call last year, when the loud backyard band was still playing...at 3AM!

Judy Laquidara said...

Some people are NUTS so be careful and let the police handle it. Don't know if you remember that we went through it with 2 neighbors when we moved here . . one with a dog that barked all night and one that let their dogs out and they came and did their "bizness" in my yard. We called the police probably a dozen times and they both finally got rid of the dogs. It surely isn't that I'm against dogs (I have one) but they shouldn't be causing problems for other people. Do let the police handle it. Eventually, they'll get it resolved.

And .. take care of that "old" man of yours! :)

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Those neighbors sound like total losers & if the house owners are decent people at all they probably don't have any idea about the dogs. Let them know. Every time those dogs start barking & trying to get through the fence, call the police. They could be dangerous.....what kind are they? Many towns have ordinances against certain breeds of dogs considered dangerous. Good luck.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Just a thought.......a while back we had a neighbor who had a dog that liked to bite people...a couple people had to be treated by a doctor. Nipped my hubby once. I informed her that if that dog showed up in my yard, especially if my grandchildren were staying with me, I'd shoot it..& I meant it. Made her mad but the dog was soon gone.

Andee said...

I have four dogs and do my best to make sure they aren't barking unless there is something to bark at! While I would be avoiding your neighbors, you might want to get some dog treats to give the dogs so they realize you are friendly and then maybe they will sit and quietly beg instead of bark when you are out. Good luck!

Mimi said...

Hmm,..well, I think everytime I went into my backyard and those dogs started barking, I would call the police because of the noise. Something will be done.

Anonymous said...

Ruthie, we love dogs...but...the neighbors behind us have 3 small yappers. Not only do they yap non stop, they continue to dig under the fence and get into our yard. Often, we need to leave our patio and come in the house due to their barking. They also bark in the middle of the night and the owners do nothing to get them back in the house. We have other dogs around us too, but their owners come out and shush them up or put them back in the house. I realize all dogs are going to bark, but, we have always brought ours back in and shut the doggy door. We are bbsitting the kids dog this weekend. She loves it here!


Mel said...

Ruthie, I can empathize!!!

We live in a neighborhood of townhomes which have small yards, front and back. It seams that every single family who moves in brings at least two large dogs with them or they purchase a new yappy one! Barking all night, whining in the early morning, barking at us as we try to enjoy our yard.

Their owners allow them to run around with out leashes so they leave unwanted 'gifts' in my yard! Gross!! My 3 year old is too afraid to play in our own yard because dogs come and bark at him and even push him down at times!!

Boy, you got me goin! Thanks for letting me vent too!

Lissa Jane said...

we had a similar problem with our neighbours dogs, cept they didn't bark when she was at home.. so when I was redundant from work last year, I got our dog trainer and lived out the front of house and clicked the dog zapper (its a high pitched frequency doodad that only dogs can hear and annoys the crap out of them) I held it down until they stopped barking.. TEN DAYS it took to train them.. our other neighbour thought she had got rid of her dogs as they were so quiet.. had to zap them every now and then.. now when I say 'zap' I pointed a remote control doodad at the dog and it works for some reason! I trained our dog and my brother has now trained his neighbours dogs to stop barking... not sure what its called, but it looks like a garage remote and my friend got it from a electronic store here in Australia for about $30 AUD...

carmen said...

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