Sunday, May 3, 2009

K-Mart Double Coupons

K-Mart is having another Super Double Coupon Event, however, here in Lafayette, they aren't tripling the 75 cent and less ones, they are just doubling all coupons up to $2.
Great deals I got today include V-8 Fusion that was $3.99 (yikes - pricey), but I had a $2 coupon which they doubled, so it was FREE! Some of my other free items include the salad dressing, BBQ sauce, DR Pepper, Quakes, J&J first aid tape. The sale price before coupons for my items was just over $60 and after coupons I paid $15.40. Nice huh?

All the baby items are for an upcoming baby shower which I am co-hosting in June and the candy is for my candy dish at work. Someone dropped a $5 bill in it on Thursday last week, so I guess that means they want more candy. It's nice when I can get a bag of the good stuff for less than a buck.

Julie went with me and it was so much fun to do this with her. She got over $80 worth of stuff for $41 and that included 4 packages of swimmers diapers. She had lots of coupons that I don't have since I don't usually get the Indy Star. Maybe I'll have to start getting it again.....


Mel said...

Wowsers Ruthie!! Who knew one could get so much, especially now days! Great job!

Deb Geyer said...

I love using coupons!!