I didn't show a full photo of this quilt after I quilted it because it was very boring, not at all what I imagined. But, here it is with all the little yo-yo flowers scattered about. The decision to use yo-yos came from Donna's yo-yo challenge.

When I got out my tub of buttons, I decided to just go with an assortment and I'm not sure if I have used any of the buttons more than once. While the buttons may be random, the arrangement of the flowers certainly isn't. I rearranged them for quite a while last night.

And now for the bubbles! Fish bubbles, that is!!
I have my String Fish Aquarium loaded and have done all the SID. I wanted to do some bubbles above the fish heads and tried to do some freehand-nope, that's not going to work.
Then it hit me..........I have a Circle Lord!
So I put it on the table and in no time at all, I had just what I imagined. Just look at these cute fish bubbles.

On a non-quilty note, we had an overnight guest on Monday night. Well, actually Tuesday morning is more like it.
Dané, Jeff's girlfriend, was driving from Minneapolis, MN to Columbus, OH, and lucky for us, she made a stop in Lafayette. She got some much needed sleep and I sure enjoyed drinking coffee and chatting the morning away. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, what a lovely young woman she is. My son sure has good taste!
Your quilt is adorable with all the yo-yo's on it! I wondered about the yo-yo maker, sometimes I have trouble making yo-yo's, but now after your thoughts I will stick to my own way. Thanks for the product review. :D
Very cute quilt!
I like it. The yo-yos add zing. Nice.
I love the addition of the yo-yo's and since I was one of the ones who commented about doing them the old fashioned way - I'm not surprised to find you like that method versus the Clover!
Ruthie, I shared the photo of your Chinese Coins with the yo-yo's on the HeartStrings blog - I linked back to your site so I hope that's OK with you, if not please let me know.
Very cute quilt Ruthie. I like the clover yo yo makers...especially the jumbo one, and they seem to fast enough for me. Aw well, to each her own.
The bubbles are cute too.
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