I spent hours using EQ to draw out some ideas for this one and settled on a dark background Christmas quilt for this one. I used 4 reds, 2 greens, many blacks and kona white. Probably my least scrappy of all of the Scrap Squad quilts.

I made 24 blocks and every other block is turned a quarter turn, which makes a secondary star pattern and 4-patches. In order to have the seams nest when assembling, I pressed the outer block segments towards the black in both blocks.
Not wanting to waste those 96 bonus triangles, I trimmed them down to 2.25" to use in one of the borders. I made an additional 40+ half square triangle blocks.
I used both greens in the inner border and just the mottled on in the outer. The binding uses all 4 red fabrics.

It's quilted with holly and poinsettas using gold Glide thread.

This one will go on the twin bed in the spare bedroom next Christmas so I'm ahead of the game for 2012.
CONGRATULATIONS to the new Scrap Squad members: ENJOY! You'll have a great time!