and customer tops to quilt, I have no business starting a new project,'s for a good cause.
Fran from the Heartstrings Yahoo Group has a son in Iraq and I know all to well how she feels right now. His unit is scheduled to come home in March and she is organizing an effort to have a quilt on each of the single soldiers bunks when they arrive. The soldiers that are married will go home to be with their families, but the single guys, well, they need some extra comfort. I volunteered to make a quilt since I have lots of fabric in a tub for QOVs. When Bonnie announced the Bargello Bowl I knew what kind of quilt I was going to make. I can't do scrappy very well, random just isn't my thing, so mine is an organized Scrappy Bargello.
This is all that fits on my design wall, but you can get an idea of where I'm going. I didn't get very far because............IT WAS A GREAT GAME!

It's beautiful. Did you preplan which strip to sew next? Or just pick a strip and sew it on?
Sandy - I have a real hard time with scrappy, so I picked out about 18-20 fabrics and then laid them out, red, light, blue, light, etc., that was about all the planning I did. If I had it to do over again, I would have rearranged a bit.
I love it! What a wonderful way to show gratitude to our brave soldiers returning home. I know the recipient will always treasure it.
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