What a great time we had at quilt camp.
Rossville Quilts sponsored this one and it was held at camp Tecumseh, which is a wonderful place for quilt camp. A great big THANK YOU to Marcia, Kyla, Martha, and Charlotte from Rossville Quilts and Christine from Camp Tecumseh, who all worked hard to make this a successful event.
BibsMy first project wasn’t really a quilting project, but one that I wanted to get finished. I put ribbing on these cute tea towels to make bibs for Andrew and Elizabeth.....cute, don’t you think. If you have babies, be sure to pick up tea towels when they go on clearance to make some really cute bibs. I only took one color of ribbing, so they all got the same one.
Pillow CasesThis was my next project and I’m only a couple months late in getting these finished. They were made to go with Jeff and Dané’s
wedding quilt. Another quick, easy project, and I taught Christine from Camp Tecumseh how to make them and she made one for her brother, who is in the US Navy.
Marlene’s Memory BlocksNext up was finishing the swap blocks for memory quilts. I completed the last 20 blocks for this, but somehow didn’t get a picture of them.....Later, I promise.
One Block WonderThis one took FOREVER! I can’t believe how small it is, and how long it took me to assemble it. I couldn’t decide on borders, so this is how it sits for now. I have fabric to do another one, but the blocks will be MUCH LARGER for the next one.
Fall Leaves and Birds Table RunnerThis was a kit that I won at a retreat several years ago. I believe the name of this pattern is 1st grade, but I could be wrong. I love how the center fabric looks three-dimensional. I hope it still has that effect after it is quilted. I am thinking of adding prarie points on the outside edge also. The inside ones took quite a bit of time, but I really lik how they turned out.
Bistro Table RunnerI had 4 blocks made for this
quilterscache.com table runner called Christmas Star and decided to only use 3 of them and make it a bit smaller than the original one. I plan to use a border print from the Bistro line for the backing and then it will be a gift for a co-worker. I can make something for myself with the leftover block.

I feel good about the projects I finished and look forward to quilting some of them