Maybe you remember Dan's grandson, Jackson, who was born December 13th at 26 weeks, and weighed 1 pound and 12 ounces. Well, he is out of the hospital and weighs over 7 pounds now. Notice, I didn't say he was home.....because
his mom and dad, Mandy and Cory have decided to go their separate ways. Cory wants nothing to do with his son, as I guess it's just to much work caring for a newborn. Mandy and baby Jackson are living with her mom, but it's too much work for her also, so they will be putting him up for adoption. I know this little boy will have a wonderful life with parents who cherish him, but it sure is hard. I didn't get a chance to hold him in my arms and bond with him like Teresa, Dan's ex-wife did. She drove those kids to the hospital once or twice a week to visit Jackson for 4 months. After leaving the hospital, she kept him overnight and says this is probably the hardest thing she's ever gone through.

So, if you have a chance, say a little prayer that Jackson will know how much he is loved by our family.