I pieced a backing for the Cocacola quilt, but didn't get a picture of it before I hung it up, so that will have to come later. I also pieced a backing for a 57" square UFO using John Flynn's Diagonal Pieced backing method.
I took some pictures while I was making this, not knowing there were pictures on John's site. Oh well, they are on Webshots anyway.
I made bias bindings, just cut from strips, for my black and white March Challenge quilt because I wanted the diagonal effect. I made continuous bias binding for Andrew's Funky Monkey because I had a large enough square and I wanted the diagonal effect on that one also. I made plain binding for the cocacola quilt and the Scrappy Squares (oops, didn't get a picture of this one).

Thanks for the link to the diagnoal piecing back. Will have to try that.
The key to it working perfect is spray starch and I used my walking foot to stitch that seam.
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