Last night I worked on Cathy's Fruits & Veggie Stack and Slash. I used Permacore Olive thread and the Feather Me panto. It's coming along nicely, I think. I only have one more pass to do and then I will load Carole's Oriental panel again and finish it up.

I worked on my Orange Crush a little last night also.
I didn't realize you were one of the travelers with Sue! Just thought I would take a look at your blog this morning, and was delighted to see the pictures of my room-mates from the Lake, and the truth of their purchases revealed! They played innocent when we had show and tell! Love the pineapple . . . I can see why you might want to make one!
Would Cathy allow you to show a full photo of her fruit/veggis stack'n'slash? I'm very interested.
Is that a strawberry fabric I spy there? I'm looking for some of that to back my Strawberry Crush quilt.
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