I quilted this UFO for a while. Then the phone rang and I can't quilt with the phone on my shoulder, but I can sit at my sewing machine, so......

Then I went to my sewing room and made these bibs for Andrew. They are made with tea towels and ribbing. It probably only took me 20 minutes to make both of them. I have 2 more, but want to make sure they go over his head before I make more. There sure isn't a wide variety of tea towels with cute designs that are reasonably priced. I got the one on the left at K-mart for $3 and the other one came in a package of 3 for $6.99 at Target. My fabric purchase so far this week is the ribbing, which I got a Joanns. It's $6.99/yard regular price, but 40% off right now and a quarter yard will do 10 bibs. Of course, I wanted more than one color, so I got 4 colors. I'll be adding that yard to my stashbusting report this week. Maybe I'll buy some more towels and sell some on etsy.

I also want to embroider a 1st birthday design on one for him to wear on Sunday.

Then I made these 12 blocks that are part of a guild mystery quilt that I'm way behind on. I cut the fabric for it when I was putting away leftover project stuff and the background fabric is from a Pooh quilt that I did, and I knew that If I put it back into a drawer, it wouldn't get used. So, I'll have a cute quilt ready for the next baby girl.

1 comment:
as a mom of twins, 10 months old - I can't tell you enough how great these types of bibs you are making are!!!!
We only have 2 that go over the head - and I LOVE them!!! those crazy velcrow are for the birds! the babies tug and pull at them until they come off... and then not to mention the hastle of making sure they are velcroed shut before putting into the wash to keep from sticking to everything else!
love your "I'm 1" design. gosh, Olivia and Paul Thomas will be eating their first Birthday cake before i know it too! June 4th... :)
If you set up to sell your bibs on that website, I'd love to know the direct link to them. :)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
new photos on family blog - www.minorhappenings.blogspot.com
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