Leo delivered one of these little lunch box/6-pack coolers with our new logo to each and every one of us. Inside were 4 cans of soda (mine was Diet Coke, my favorite) and the package you see in the center.
What's in that package, you ask?
Well, these 2 bacon wrapped, black angus filets!!
So, when I got home Dan fired up the grill, picked some green beans from the garden, made a salad.
It sure was yummy!! Thank you Leo for a wonderful dinner.
I got a quilt loaded and got a good start on it, using the Tea Rose panto, while dinner was cooking.
I love the Tea Rose panto. I saw a photo of it stitched on a quilt a while back....might have been on your blog. Love the way it turned out on a customer quilt recently. Pale pink and lime green florals with a pink varigated thread.
I want to work there! :)
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