Monday, July 21, 2008

QOV Pillowcases

One of my favorite blog reads, Alycia is coordinating an effort to make and distribute 400 Quilts of Valor.
What a lofty goal that is. I remember how much work it was when I made 15 quilts for the soldiers in my son's section when they returned from Iraq.
I have a couple QOVs to send but thought that I could whip up some pillowcases for her and this is what I accomplished yesterday.


Laura said...

wow I struggle getting one pillowcase made. You were a busy gal! You will have to tell us what you thought of Mama Mia. That is on my list to see.

Vicki W said...

You go girl! That's awesome!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are awesome! Wow - when you whip something up you go to town!!